Thursday, March 10, 2011

raise your hand if you're ready

I feel ready. Ready to get pregnant, ready to have a baby, ready to plan a nursery, ready for a new challenge. I am coming up on my one year mark from when I started testing for fertility problems, the initial diagnosis and treatments. Almost to the two year mark from when my husband and I decided we were ready to start trying to get pregnant.

I read friends blogs announcing second pregnancy's and asking themselves if they are really ready for this new challenge. I can't relate to their experience, I am ready. I have waited and continue to wait. It comes so easily to these women, do they appreciate their good fortune?

My patience is waning, I am ready. And yet, it still feels so far away. Maybe I will start collecting nursery items to distract myself. Then I will really be ready.


  1. I hear you! I have both my hands in the air and am waving frantically.

    I think those same things. I can't relate to those women who just get pregnant and are unsure of everything. I am SO ready. I have been for 2 years! More now than ever! I am 30 for goodness sake!


  2. I understand what you are saying. It's sometimes hard to stand in someone else's shoes, especially when you would give anything to have what they have. But, everything is relative to what you are already dealing with. I don't think it's about appreciation, because you don't have to have dealt with infertility to appreciate being a mother. A parent is lucky to have the choice; to actually make the decision to have one, two or more children. However, it's still an important decision and it's theirs to make.

    I hear how ready you are. It has nothing to do with age, or what you have ready in the nursery. It's a feeling you have all through you, like the gap that is ready to be filled. I wish you all the best luck in making that happen.
    Lisa (ICLW #112)

    P.S. I'm speaking about fertility support today at the Fertility Focus Telesummit, which is free. I would love you to listen in, either live or to the recording after. You can register through my blog:

  3. It sucks to be ready and waiting. It really, really does.

    I felt very frustrated when we started TTC because I had been ready for two years before that but I was waiting for my partner to get there too. I think that made my one year of TTC seem much harder than it should have been, because I'd already been waiting for years before that. I'd read so many books about TTC and pregnancy and parenting. I was constantly thinking about it. By the time we were actually "ready" I was biting at the bit.

    I hope you get your chance soon! Good luck!

    Happy ICLW (#95)

  4. I know what you mean. I sometimes wonder if fertiles really GET IT. Like, do they realize how amazing it is that they can have a baby so easily? Do they appreciate this miracle? I guess that's one of the positives of going through IF...we will appreciate that moment more than most, and will never forget.

    There's nothing wrong with purchasing a few baby items. I've done it, and it gives me hope :)

    Happy ICLW!
